The Premier State University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City
Table of Contents
Control Section
- unclaimed personal belongings
Requirements for Library Use
Requirements for Internet/E-Lib Use
Conduct and Responsibilities of Clients
Loan Periods/Policies
Fines and Charges
Lost Books
Mutilation of Books
Control Section
The following are the applicable rules and regulations at the Control Section:
Requirements for Library Use
The front counter staff is only available for technical problems related to hardware or software malfunctions.
They are not available for assistance in the use of software packages. Users shall acquire such skills through their respective courses.
1. At the library entrance, all users shall present their proper identification cards to the Control Officer of the section. Refusal to present one's identification card means non admittance to the library.
2. Personal belongings must be deposited personally by the owner. No proxy shall be entertainedwhen one deposits or claim his/her things.
3. A claim tag shall be given to the depositor. The same official tag shall be presented when claiming belongings.
4. Upon leaving the library, premises, things deposited should right away be claimed. The library does not honor depositing personal belongings beyond the prescribed official working hours.
5. Cash, jewelry and other personal and valuable effects shall be the sole responsibility of the owner. The library and its personnel shall not be held liable whatsoever for any loss of valuables and personal effects deposited at the counter.
Unclaimed personal belongings after closing time, shall be claimed:
a. by presenting the claim tag from the librarian/staff in-charge
b. upon presentation of a notarized affidavit that it is the claimant's personal belongings.
c. upon signing a waiver absolving the library and its staff of any responsibility after it shall have been claimed.
d. within the week after such personal belongings have been deposited at the counter. Unclaimed belongings shall be given to the Dean of Student Services for its various activities and other charitable undertakings.
1. JRMSU students shall present an ID Card and / or secure password from the i-common/e-lib in-charge.
2. Guest researchers shall present Official Receipt of payment of outside user's fee from the university cashier's office.
Conduct and Responsibilities of Clients
It is a library user's responsibility to maintain decorum and proper standards of behavior in Order to protect his / her individual rights and to respect the rights and privileges of other library users. If a library user becomes a public nuisance, that person may be restricted from the Library and from the use of the library facilities. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable period of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, shall be subjected to the penalties prescribed in the JRMSU Code.
A. Discipline and Behavior
The following offenses shall be subject to disciplinary action. Sanctions and penalty of which shall be
based on the provision of the JRMSU Code:
1. Mutilating or stealing Library Properties
Any person who is caught defacing, mutilating appropriating for himself or attempting to steal any library
materials or property shall after due process, replace the material or pay its current replacement value.
2. Falsification and Use of Someone Else's Identification Card
Any person found falsifying or using an identification card other than his/her own shall after due process
have his library privilege suspended depending on the decision of the Board of Discipline en banc.
3. Disorderly and Destructive Behavior
Disorderly conduct includes drunken behavior, creating disorder, tumult, breach of peace or serious
disturbance, gross and deliberate discourtesy, and possession of prohibited drugs.
Disruptive behavior includes excessive noise, loud discussion and scandalous acts (such as exhibitionist
acts, necking, etc.)
Improper behavior includes smoking, eating and playing cards within the library
B. Refusal or Failure to Settle Library Accounts
Any person who after due notice shall refuse or fail without just cause to settle library accounts or obligations:
a. shall not be permitted to use the University Library;
b. shall not be issued a library clearance.
Restriction (Penalty) Clause
The Librarian may submit to the Board of Discipline any violation on the provision of the university library
rules and regulations for proper action.
Loan Periods / Policies
1. Students
a. Lending of books is for overnight only.
b. Generally, reference books, theses/dissertations and periodicals will not be checked out.
c. Borrowing of the same book may be renewed up to three times if there is no waiting list for the title. Renewal may be denied if other clients have placed reserve requests and are waiting for them.
d. Only one book at a time with more than two copies in the library will be allowed for overnight use only.
e. Borrowing of books for overnight use shall commence at 4:30 - 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The books shall be returned between the hours of 8:00-9:00 o'clock in the morning of the following day. Failure to return the book on the specified time may subject the borrower to a penalty of P10.00/hour.
2. Faculty
a. Regular faculty members of JRMSU System may borrow reference books up to a maximum of three (3) titles for a period of one semester, which may be renewed for the next semester unless called for by another user. If however, a borrower has an overdue book(s) he may not be allowed to borrow or renew a loan until the overdue book(s) is returned and the fine is paid. Only books with more than 2 copies shall be allowed to be borrowed by the faculty.
b. Part Time Instructors may borrow up to a maximum of three (3) titles for a period of one semester with his / her college dean's approval as guarantor of the said references.
c. Administrative staff may borrow 2 circulation books at a time for 2 weeks.