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The Premier State University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City
Bonifacio Papers (a collection of scholarly works on Bonifacio, where excerpts from books, chapters and
articles are reproduced in their entirety. For more sources on Andres Bonifacio, read Filipino Librarian)
CRV Library (Your access to free ebooks)
Discovering Philippines - Spanish Archives (Philippine Studies at Your Fingertips) (one of the most comprehensive digital libraries and
online researchportals on Philippine studies)
Katipunan Documents and Studies (devoted to the study of the Katipunan, and publishes important
Katipunan documents that have not been published before or are not readily accessible)
National Commission for Culture and the Arts E-books
PB Primary Sources in Philippine History
Project Gutenberg of the Philippines
Tagalog Dictionary (designed primarily for learners of Filipino/Tagalog language)
The United States and Its Territories, 1870-1925: the Age of Imperialism (drawn from the University of
Michigan Library'sSoutheast Asia collection, it comprises the full text of monographs and government
documents published in the United States, Spain, and the Philippines between 1870 and 1925; the
largest online collection of Filipiniana materials freely available in full text.. The text collection is
complemented by digitized images from key photograph collections drawn from the Special Collections
Library. Among its digital collection is the encyclopedic work of Blair and Robertson's The Philippine
Islands, 1493 -1803 . View the table of contents of Blair and Robertson's work herewhich provides links
to the different books and documents in each volume on USIT).
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections - Southeast Asian Images and Texts
Directory of Open Access Books.
Merriam-Webster Online
National Academies Press - created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National
Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National
Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States.
The Online Books Page - Listing over 1 million free books on the Web - Updated Thursday, February 23,
Read Print - Online books, poems, short stories
bookboon - free online textbooks for students are focused and to the point. They are all written by highly
respected professors from top universitiesin the world and cover topics such as economics, statistics,
IT, engineering and natural science.
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia - as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative
information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine. Digital Book Index - provides
links to more than 165,000 full-text digital books from more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial
publishers, universities, and various private sites. More than 140,000 of these books, texts, and
documents are available free.
E-books directory - a daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit and promote your own ebooks, add comments on already posted
books or just browse through the directory below and download anything you need.
Filecrop - Search Engine for Shared Files
Free Book Zone - free computer science, engineering books, programming manuals, lecture notes and
coursewares, all of which are freely available over the internet.
Free - Discover all-new, rising authors. Independent writers offer both entertaining
fiction/romance for your enjoyment and non-fiction to help you find info from self-help to biz growth.
Simply Login or Register now to get started.
Free Engineering Books - Here is an alphabetical list of online engineering books available for free
Artikel-software - Free engineering ebooks. Download engineering & science ebooks/books
Free Online Computer Science and Programming Books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes - This site
lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all
of which are legally and freely available over the Internet.
International Children's Digital Library - (including children's books from the Philippines) - Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from our
visitors. Perhaps you'll find something interesting in the special collections. There are more than 29,000
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