The Premier State University in Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City
To make the library resources and facilities readilly available to both faculty and students, the College Library has opted for the usage of the open shelf system.
The organization of the collection is by form and subject or classified according to definite class numbers. This arrangement is more accessible to and easier to use even for a new clientele. It also contributes to the students' intellectual freedom to participate in choosing or browsing her/his research needs.
Table of Contents
Classification Used and the Card Catalog
Second Summary : Division
Call Number
The Catalog
Analyzing a Catalog Card
How to Use the Card Catalog
How to Find a Book Using the Card Catalog
Steps in Using the WebLIS-OPAC
The Jose Rizal Memorial State University Library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The system has ten major classes. Each class division is subdivided in to ten divisions and each division is in turn subdivided in to 10 divisions and so on, hence the name decimal. Each number in the system stands for subject.
The ten main classes of the Dewey Decimal System are as follows:
000 - 099 General Works
100 - 199 Philosophy
200 - 299 Religion
300 - 399 Social Sciences
400 - 499 Languages
500 - 599 Natural/Pure Sciences
600 - 699 Applied Sciences
700 - 799 Fine Arts and Recreation
800 - 899 Literature
900 - 999 History, Geography, Biography
Call Number
A call number is composed of letters, figures, and symbols separate or in combination assigned to book to indicate its
location on the shelves. It usually consists of class number, book number and the copyright date.
The call number appears on the spine of a book as on the upper left corner of a catalog card. The example below
illustrates the parts of a call number:

The Catalog
This is a very useful tool both to the reader and to the librarian. It acts as a key to the library's stock; reveals the holdings of a library. It is an instrument designed to enable the inquirer to find a particular book, to survey the entire book stock or select the books which will best serve his purpose.
An adequate catalog will answer fully the following questions:
a. What books are in the library?
b. Does the library have a book under a certain title?
c. What books can I find in the library on a particular subject?
The Jose Rizal Memorial State University Library has a divided type of Catalog. The basic entries are the author entry, title entry and the subject entry are separately filed in alphabetical order.
Author Card (Main Entry)

Subject Card (Subject of book is found at the upper left corner of the card).

1. The catalog of books in the library are arranged alphabetically by author, title and by subject.
The book entitled Philosophy of Education by James Edward W. McClellan may be found under McClellan the author, in the drawer marked M; under Philosophy of Education, the title, inthe drawer marked P and the subject, under EDUCATION-PHILOSOPHY in the drawer E.
2. All books about a person may be found under his last name.
3. Fiction books will be found on shelves grouped alphabetically under the authors’ last names.
Alcott = Al, Dumas = D, Shakespeare = Sh

1. Goto http://www.jrmsu.edu.ph/ and then click on Library Link and click on WebLIS-OPAC button. This will
open the search engine of the WebLIS.
2. On Material Type below the Publication year, check on the box of the type of material you want to search.
(e.g. Books)
3. You can now start searching by using keywords , title, authors, subject or call number of your desired
Example 1 (Using keywords):
If you want to locate the book entitled “Nursing Leadership and Management” by using a keyword, just
type inside the keywords textbox any word(s) that can be found in the title of the book and then click
Example 2 (Using title):
If you want to locate the book entitled “Nursing Leadership and Management” by using the title, just type inside the title textbox any word(s) that can be found in the title of the book or you can type the whole title of the book and then click search.
Example 3 (Using author):
If you want to locate the book(s) authored by Patricia Carroll, just type inside the author textbox the first name and the last name of the author separated by “*” (e.g. Patricia*Carroll) and then click search.
Example 4 (Using subject):
If you want to locate book(s) with subject “Nursing Services-Administration”, just type inside the subject textbox the keyword(s) of the subject and then click search.
Example 5 (Using call number):
If you want to locate book(s) by its call number, just type inside the call number textbox the call number of the book and then click search.
NOTE: You can also use the wildcard “+” for multi-searching.
If you want to locate books entitled “Maritime pollution” and “College algebra” one at a time, just type inside the title textbox the keyword of every book separated by “+” (e.g. pollution+algebra) and then click search.
4. You can also search materials by Publication year. On the publication year textboxes above the Material type option, just type your desired publication year inside the textbox(es) and then click search.
For range searching, use the two publication year textboxes provided by the search engine.
Example 1:
To locate book(s) published from year 2000 to 2004, just fill the textboxes with the publication year respectively and then click search.
Example 2:
To locate book(s) published from year 2000 up to the present year, just fill the first textbox with “2000” (quotation marks are omitted) and then click search.
5. Search results can be sorted chronologically, by author, or by title. Just click on the Sort Result combo box and choose your desired option and then click search.
1. Location Symbol - indicates the type of material: indicates where the book is located.
2. Call Number - this group of symbols consists of the class number which represents the subject of the book, 370.1; the author number, 132; 1st letter of the title, p and the copyright date, 2006.
3. Author's name - this is usually the main entry of the book. A society or an institution may also be entered as the author of a book if such entity is mainly responsible for its existence.
4. Title of the book.
5. Imprint - the place and date of publication, the edition and the name of the publisher.
6. Collation - description of the physical characteristics of the book such as the number of pages, volumes, size, illustrations, maps, etc.
7. Notes - provide information such as the bibliography, index and the ISBN or the International Standard Book Number.
8. Tracings - these are records of all additional headings, aside from the author under which the work is represented in the card catalog. These are meant to pick out all important subjects treated in the book. By looking under these subject headings in the catalog, the reader is able to find whether this title treats the specific topic he may be interested in, and whether there are other books this library has on the same subject.